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Monday, February 25, 2013

More Pictures!

Elder Dahlin e-mailed us some pictures today! It's always great to see where he is and to see his smiling face. In this last transfer he was made District Leader and will be training his new companion. He's really excited about the opportunity! 

Here are the pictures with an explanation that he gave of each one.
 Jason's first day in Cali at Cristo Rey.
 First baptism in Villa De Lago with Elder Zombrano. The girl's name is Kimberly Suarez.
 This mother and her 2 kids were Jason's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th baptisms. The mom is Sandra Orozco, the daughter is Camilla, and the son is Juan Sebastian.
They hiked this volcano in Popayan called Purace.

Holding the Colombian flag from about 14,500 feet on the volcano.
 Another shot of the volcano.

Jason said these three kids are his favorite! The little girl is Britney, the shorter boy is Anderson, and the taller boy is Dago.

In the house of an investigator.

They were almost robbed in this area, and right after they left, a murder happened. Now these cops are there all the time. Jason said that they are their protectors.

This girl, Jessica, is the cousin of the three he baptized in Popayan.

Sunset in Popayan.

He's eating what's called a Cholado. It has all the fruits of Colombia in it. Jamundi is known for these.

He's doing great. Keep writing him, and if you love him, send him a package :)


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos and a great idea of the blog. xx
